Friday, 17 April 2009

Sorting, but not sorted!

Well, today I have been sorting! There is just so much to sort in this house!! There was a huge pile of leaflets by the front door and I decided to attack that this morning ... and I am still not through it. I had to break off to do some general tidying so I could use the sitting room floor (!!) so went for 'emergency mode' (resorted to when I have a deadline to meet) which means I put everything into bags to get it out of the way, rather than sorting it properly I have to make those cards for Marie Curie next, as they have to be done by the end of the month and I need to allow time for posting them to the appropriate place, so I might not get back to sorting very soon .... but I'd like at least to finish that pile. I also need a couple more of those canvas totes: bags never look anything but messy and horrid. Some things might not be needed again (the very thickest of the winter woollies?). There will always be things around because my sitting room is also my 'back door' so anything that is on its way out of the house is parked ready by the French windows, and I usually have a pile of stuff I'm working through, too.

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